Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sweet Eden Marie


When you pray for our family, heap prayers upon my oldest girl, Eden Marie. She is struggling the most out of all the Williamsons to this new family configuration. She is disappointed that Hope will neither talk to her or play with her. It is almost no use trying to explain to a two and a half year old that even if Hope knew English and wanted to talk…she simply cannot…yet. Hope looks to be the same size and age as Eden so Eden doesn’t understand why Hope can walk or play yet. We keep telling Eden that while Hope looks like a big girl, she really is still a baby. On some level Eden gets it but on most days she is just “over it.” She has her sweet moments where she will model something for Hope and Hope will copy her. Eden has taught Hope a lot. But often we hear, “I don’t want Hope.” And often we hear, “Where is Hope? I want to see her!” So Eden is conflicted for sure and right where she aught to be for a child her age dealing with an instant sibling that is almost the same age! She is no longer the center of the Williamson household and it clearly doesn’t set well with her. Of course everyone is on edge around here and someone is off to their room crying every 15 minutes. Eden is much more clingy now and she imitates Hope’s baby-like behavior often. When she does, we join in on the make believe,”Oh how’s our baby girl?!” She is often very kind to Hope, not that it is unlike her to be kind, but it is a kindness that is beyond her years that we see and it is so heartwarming. It is the hand of God. Eden is my joy and she is incredible and funny and smart and gorgeous! Here is what Eden likes at two and a half:

What Eden Likes:

  • Her Daddy (he seems to be everyone’s favorite…I’m cool with that.)
  • Her Buh-buh (who doesn’t like Noah?!)
  • Her Mommy (especially if she is sick or sad)
  • Chocolate…any kind in any form, esp. Nutella
  • Her lovies and fuzzy blanket
  • 1998 Furbbie (seriously…it has no off switch, it just randomly babbles and sings…kill me)
  • Animals: esp. dogs
  • Shaun the Sheep, Elmo, Oscar’s Oasis (we call that silly lizard), Fresh Beat Band
  • Pancakes…or any other breakfast food covered in syrup: waffles, bagels, cereal, oatmeal, bacon
  • Water
  • Outside, Exploring
  • Sand and mud
  • Grandma and Grandpa’s house (Grandma and Grandpa included)
  • Art: painting, coloring, dry erase markers, dot markers, crayons, glitter
  • Bracelets, high heeled shoes, necklaces (mardi gras beads)
  • Shoes (esp. Chinese squeaky shoes)
  • Anything sparkly
  • Dancing, Music (esp. Toby Mac), Spinning, Jumping on and off things
  • Mommy and Daddy singing her to sleep
  • Marbles, coins and other tiny things
  • Friends: Sofi, Zoe, Lily Kate, Becket, Dylan, Lily, Jane, Elizabeth, Kai, Hank, Sarah Jane, Charlotte, Lucy, Sally, Tabitha (It’s a long list and I know I’ve forgotten some major players)


  1. Pancakes! Eden and Will are sole mates then. He asked for them at every meal!
    Sibling stuff is so hard to balance, definitely will be praying for Eden these next few months (years!).

  2. Praying for Miss Eden. Nutella.... Mmmmm..... You can make crepes & smear Nutella in them. :)
