Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The New Hope Lynn

Yaya looks very different. I mean like a different child different. I was shocked at the change…I’m still in shock. I am putting the pictures we took right after we got her up on the blog now. So preview the page before showing little ones. I am putting them on the end of the post. They say right out of surgery is the best time for “after” pictures on the first day in that the swelling won’t begin till a little later in the day.

Okay so to say Yaya was mad as a hornet would be an understatement. She (as many of you know) doesn’t like being messed with or having anything on her except diapers, clothing and shoes. She has a blood pressure cuff on her right leg and and IV and O2 sensor on her left foot…not to mention the 2 ID bracelets wrapped around her right ankle. And let’s talk about the arm restraints…oh. my. word. Loathe is a good word. She dislikes them so much we may just not let her know they can come off and then she just will learn to deal with them. She screamed herself to sleep when we got her. It was about 30-40 minutes of screaming and arching and flailing about…very reminiscent of Gotcha Day. However, the nurses and doctors assure us that almost all their kids wake up like that from anesthesia, which I know to be true from Noah and Eden. So we really won’t get a feel for how she feels until sometime later. She is sleeping right now comfortably on her Daddy’s chest where she pretty much passed out. Dr. Grant stopped by already to check in on her, he is very pleased with how everything looks and said she was acting and responding like normal. So I’m going to try not to freak out and think we have undone all our attachment work. He brought by a cute stuffed bear, it has stitches over it’s newly repaired lip too. I only wish Yaya liked stuff toys…maybe one day she will like this one.


She will be on IV morphine for the next several hours until we can get her to eat / drink something and then we will move to Tylenol w/ Codine for the night. That is the goal at least. They Tylenol apparently works better and longer since we have to give it orally, so we hope she will eat and drink later. Plus, eating and drinking equals going home tomorrow. The big one is breathing though and since she is snoring some serious logs right now I don’t believe she will have too many problems with breathing. But you never know. Keep the prayers coming and pray that she will allow us to comfort her and that this process will aid in our bonding not undo it. Also pray for sleep for all of us. On to what many of you have been waiting for…the pictures. I was the most taken aback at her nose…her nostrils right now look like sqinched up slits but Dr. Grant says they will round out in time. She was so mad that her eyes also looked like little slits, when she calms down and really is able to open her eyes and look at us, I think she will look more like herself. However, there still is the whole getting over how much she looks like someone else’s kid…without further ado…



  1. Oh wow, she does look different. The same but different. Why am I explaining this to you :) you know what I'm saying. Sweet, beautiful Yaya. Praying for ALL of you tonight.

  2. I love her! I know all the things that go through your head as you watch your child upset as they wake-up from surgery. You start doubting your decision while also knowing it was the right one. Hang in there my friend. Love you.

  3. Love the last picture of her and Eric!! She looks great! We were all praying for her this morning in Bible study, as I'm sure you know. The Lord brings y'all to mind very often, but I don't get to actually call or write like I want. Pretty hectic couple of weeks for us. Yay for the 3-month marker's arrival! Y'all are definitely progressing. The Lord is good. Thanks, Angie, for this wonderful blog! Love y'all and miss y'all, Brandi

  4. wow - she does look different - and yet her reactions and all show she is still your independent, intelligent Yaya. I just love reading about your children and the journey of your family! Praising the Lord for a smooth surgery and praying for recovery for Hope and her family. I love the picture of you holding her - she looks so indignant! And such a sweet girl sleeping with her Daddy.

  5. She is as beautiful as ever. So glad the surgery went smoothly. Praying for a peaceful night for all of you~
