Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Best Christmas Present This Year

Okay so several years 3 maybe, I dropped my laptop and lost the entire hard drive. I was BEYOND devastated. I hadn’t backed it up in ages and some really good stuff was on that hard drive. Eric sent it off to be evaluated to see if any of the data recovery companies could help us out. We could get a lot of it recovered but at a price that was staggering. So we didn’t do it. I had lost several important videos of my Compassion children and other Kenyan friends. I had lost a photo book I was working on that was for Noah, all his photo’s plus journaling from birth to 3 years old…I was almost done. And I lost this…

Can you stand it?!!! Noah at 3 years old spontaneously bursting into song and what a song he chose! I would sing it to him every night and clearly he was listening. I cry every time I see this video. So you can see now why I was so upset my hard drive was fried.  This Christmas was wonderful and when everyone had finished opening gifts I heard Eric says, “Noah, grab Daddy’s computer.” I didn’t really pay much attention to it, until I heard this sweet little voice talking, I turned around and Eric had his computer pointed at me with the above video playing. Of course I cried…like I always do, only it was for multiple reasons. Even Eric admitted he cried when he saw it again for the first time. Eric had been squirreling money away for quite sometime and was able to get all my precious memories back. Now they are saved in like 4 different places.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Brusies, Lovies and Poo Poo

First…do you like my title? It makes me giggle. It is however, an accurate description of the content of this blog post. They are not combined in to a singular event so don’t worry. First, Eden somehow slammed herself head first into a door jam (we think that’s what happened). I was finishing some shopping when I got the call from Eric that Eden split her lip and there was blood everywhere and he was trying to assess if an ER visit would be in our future. I arrived home about 7 minutes later and the crisis was “over”. Eden was on Daddy’s lap snuggled down and so was Yaya. They were watching Blues Clues. I went to check out her hip and it was not an ER trip but you know how the mouth can bleed so once it was hard to assess until the bleeding stopped and we cleaned her up. Then I noticed a huge bruise and cut on her forhead right above her left eyebrow. That joker was so swollen up it looked like someone had put a marble (the shooter marble, the big one you know) under her skin. It scared me enough to call the nurse. We got ice on her immediately and it went down quite a bit. She bounced back to life about 30 minutes after the fall and seemed fine but we are watching her over night and gonna wake her every 4 hours to see if she can talk and walk and we will sleep in her room for the next two nights…like the nurse suggested. Better safe than sorry. She is all busted up for Christmas pictures that is for sure… “And her is the Christmas picture that got DHR involved with our family…”

Second, and more exciting, Eden went poo poo on the potty tonight!! Yay! Only a parent really gets the joy of this statement. Parents are in fact some of the only people who can appreciate our children’s poop and describe it in detail from they day our kids are born. Eden was so excited she had to go get Daddy to see the poop and he praised her and rejoiced in the flushing of it all. We are gearing up for potty training over this Christmas break so pray for us please. Here is a picture of our sweet Eden, no pictures of the first poop…sorry.


Third, lovies…


For those of you who have followed our story for any length of time you already know that Yaya doesn’t touch anything soft and fuzzy. She also doesn’t like blankets of any kind and will not sleep under one. Tonight while Yaya, Eden and Daddy were playing together, Yaya asked Eden if she could hold one of Eden’s giraffe lovies. Eden let her hold one, that should be miracle enough right there. Eric called me to their location and as I opened the bedroom door to see Yaya with a lovie I nonchalantly looked over her and tried to engage Eden as if I wasn’t freaking out on the inside. Eric relayed the exchange to me and I calmly backed out of the room and went to go get Yaya’s actual lovie. The pink/white zebra lovie. I walked back in making no sudden movements and placed the lovie in front of her but not on her.  Yaya reached out and grabbed the lovie and handed Eden back the giraffe lovie. Eden started telling Yaya, “I have lots of lovies,” so I left the room again quietly. I returned with two more of the zebra lovies. Yaya was thrilled and she took all of them. I left to make myself a late dinner and Eric walked out later with Yaya in his arms. As he passed by me he quietly said… “She is latched on to these.”  She then laid on Eric for almost an hour with the lovies and when we tried to put her in her pj’s she protested and we asked if she would rather have a blanket. She said yes.  We started with a  fleece one and she was not a fan…obviously. Then we moved to heavy quilt and she liked it. I ran down stairs and put Noah’s old crib bedding comforter in the dryer and when it was good and toasty I offered her that and it was her favorite. She is now sleeping without pj’s in her crib under the two blankets with 3 cashmere lovies!! Is this was 12-21-12 means…not the end of the world but early Christmas miracles? Woot! Woot! Of course tomorrow she will shun it all and or she will freak out later tonight, but for now we are gonna take it and be thankful!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Noah’s Gold

So Noah had his first gymnastics meet of the year this year on Dec. 8th. He did great. He competed against 5 other boys in his age group and level and he took 1st – Gold on the pommel horse. It is his strength. He took 3rd all around and we were very proud of him. Here is his gold medal winning routine. P.S. For those that don’t know about boys gymnastics, it has taken Noah 2 years to be able to do what you are about to see.  It requires unbelievable upper body strength. Noah trains in the gym twice a week, each practice is 3 hours long. No other boy could do the 3 circles you will see, they didn’t even try. We are so proud!



Above you see Noah saluting on the platform receiving his gold medal and you see him with his old coach who was his favorite…Coach Steven. Steven just finished up a degree in PT and now is moving for a new job. Noah hasn’t seen Steven in several months.  He showed up at this meet to surprise Noah and his other teammates. We are going to miss him.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Eden Marie is Three!


My sweet girl is three years old today. We had her party yesterday at Pump it Up a local jumpy thing place. She had a blast! Today she had a little party at her school and I brought little round bite size brownies and her whole class loved it. (No I didn’t bake them, thank you Publix.) Then she got to make Mickey Mouse Santa sugar cookies when she got home from school today (Again…not me. Thank you Tollhouse, place and bake seasonal cookies.) All in all she has had a great celebration. I will post more on her later.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

P.S. Just a bit of bragging

Today Yaya learned how to spell her name…well fingerspell her name. Granted it is the same two letters repeated but I was impressed. I spelled it once for her and watched her mimic me. Then she pointed to herself. We did this a couple times more throughout the day, but nothing focused. When Eric got home I sat her on my lap and told Eric to watch us. I played around with her some then I fingerspelled her name to her and the moment I did that she grinned and pointed to herself and said “Yaya!” Then she fingerspelled it herself. I’M SO PROUD!

She also knows about 2/3 of the fingerspelled alphabet and can do her numbers 1-10 in sign language too. I’m just sayin’…

The Little Things Are Worth Mentioning

So we are a little over a month into our Attachment Therapy with Yaya. My Mom asked me how it was really going and what differences have we seen if any. My response, “It is in the little things that we see change and it gives us such hope.” So what are the little things?

She has determined that kisses make boo-boo’s feel better and she has started bringing her “boo-boos” to me to “kiss”.

We have noticed recently that she is much more affectionate that ever before.

She likes to show us her special freckles on each arm and have us kiss each one.

She has begun to start sentences with the word/sign “Mama.” Ex) Mama-want-Fresh Beat Band or Mama-want-sit-you. Before there was no Mama, she has never called me by name until this past week.

She has shown ownership of Mama & Daddy. One day she was looking at one of our family photo books we took to China and I watched her point to a picture of me and then she pointed to herself. She flipped to a second picture of me, pointed to it and then to herself. She found a third picture of me and repeated the gestures. She then looked up to me. I said to her, “Yes, that is Yaya’s Mama. I am YOUR Mama. I am Yaya’s Mama.” She grinned excitedly and then did the same process to Eric’s picture.  To which I responded in equal if not more excitement that those pictures were pictures of HER Daddy. I don’t think she understands the weight of the words Mama and Daddy, but she at least claims us as something special to her (and her siblings). 

She understands that she is on equal footing with her siblings and that she is included in this family unit. One day she pointed to a picture Noah had drawn that I had framed and hung on our playroom wall. I told her, “That is Buh-buh’s picture he drew.” Then she pointed to the framed art next to it, “That is Eden’s picture.” Then she pointed to herself and then back to the wall and looked at me questioningly. “OH! Does Yaya want HER art up on the wall?!” Her response was a loud verbal “Yeah!” (She can sorta say this word.) Luckily the girls had been finger painting recently and I normally have to tape the girls paper down to the table for this kind of art. When they want a new sheet of paper I will peel the old paper off the table and stick it to the window beside them to dry and it duals as a temporary art show in the playroom. She had 3 pictures on her window. She went to the one she liked the best and I peeled it off the window. I ran and grabbed the first 8X10 frame I came to off our wall and quickly put her art in it and hung it on the wall next to the other art. She was beside herself. She pointed to each picture and told me the artist but she was the most excited about telling me which one was hers. Then she went and got Daddy by the finger and pulled him to the art wall and proudly showed off her work. It is amazing to me that she realized Noah and Eden had art framed on the wall and she didn’t. But even more amazing was her question: “Why isn’t MY art up there with the rest?”

I have noticed recently that when she has a meltdown she now wants me near her, not in her face mind you but near. If I walk across the room from her when she is pitching a fit she will actually pitch in both volume and intensity. When I come back she will “punish” me by crawling away but her volume and intensity goes way down. It is the weirdest thing. At one point she had to be touching me, now it was light kicking mind you, but each time I would mover her legs away she would escalate. Now for some of you reading this, you are thinking…well yeah…duh…typical toddler behavior. And to that I say, “YES!! and HOORAY!! and FINALLY!!”

I recently left for the weekend and Yaya did great in my absence and Eric put her to bed easily and was able to feed her like normal. Plus, we didn’t see any weird behavior when I returned. We didn’t seem to lose any ground.

Eric can now put Yaya down occasionally with no struggle or problem.

We have seen a decrease in her overall anxiousness with Eric. I mean she still does her stuff but it is more subdued and she can be redirected more than not. I started peeling her off Eric when she does her Velcro Asian stuff to him (That’s our affectionate term for her when she clings on to Eric’s leg frantically as if she would fall over dead if she let go). I take her from Eric screaming and kicking to a quiet room and wait for her to calm or try to redirect her. Once she is calm we do about 20 minutes of face to face time and attachment games and she settles down and usually will not  go “velcro” again.

These all are what most people would consider “little” things, but if you have been following my blog for any amount of time, you know how monumental these “little” things really are. They give us hope and we are very proud of our little girl. But more than that we are thankful to the Holy Spirit who is turning her heart towards us. I just heard a preacher say recently…God is into the supernatural. He wants us to do the natural and he will provide the super. So I continue to do the lame attachment games that I think can’t possibly be working…(the natural) and God is turning Yaya’s heart and attaching her spirit to ours…(the super). Praise be to God! He is so faithful even when we are not.

Noah’s is the rainbow one…Eden’s is the pink and green…Yaya’s is below Eden's.


Let Her Eat Pion…uh I Mean Cake

I wrote this post over Thanksgiving and meant to post it but I forgot…

Eden is one of the funny kids I know. Today when Grandma was referring to the chocolate cake we get to eat after Thanksgiving dinner she spelled it. “We will have the c-a-k-e after dinner, right?” Eden without missing a beat sings out excitedly, “Oh yay! I love P-I-O-N!” Everyone paused a minute and cracked up. Clearly Eden had no idea what she was spelling or doing but she hand an inkling that because Grandma was spelling that it must be something good. She knew it was four letters long and so she went with  P-I-O-N. And now that is what we will always call, cake. When the pion was served Eden grabbed her bowl and marched to the kitchen singing  to the tune of High Ho The Dairy Oh; “I want some in a bowl, I want some in a bowl, high ho the dairy oh, I want some in a bowl! Which she got.  Love. This. Kid.
