Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back at Home

All things considered, Yaya is doing fabulous. We are so thankful to God for answering so many prayers. Yaya took 3- 8 oz bottles yesterday, played with us and watched EVERY episode of season one of The Fresh Beat Band…a show that I used to love. She hated being messed with every 4 hours for her vitals, and I don’t use the word “hate” much, but I do mean that. She slept marginal at best. Eric did not sleep  and I got maybe 3 hours of fitful sleep. We were able to go home around 9:30 this morning. The doctor said she looks great and go home…so we did. When Eric stepped over the threshold of our hospital room into the hall Yaya fought to get to the floor, so Eric put her down. She bolted down the hallway to leave. It was so cute and funny. She staggered and fell one time while holding Eric’s hand initially…thank you codine. She didn’t have her sea legs yet. So I grabbed her other hand and she walked herself all the way to the car. She came home and hit the ground running…almost literally. It of course was giving me heart palpitations all day. I just knew she was gonna fall on her newly reconstructed face!  How is it that when I WANT her to walk around holding my finger she refuses!? Three months of trying to get her off our fingers and now  we need her to be back on but she won’t do it…isn’t that always the way with kids? She was with me the majority of the day and I am happy to report that at one point when she was on my finger and I needed to pass her off to Eric…she refused him! Sweet glory hallelujah! Of course she was just toying with me I’m sure, don’t want to get my hopes up thinking I may have increased my status with her. Thus far she has taken this surgery in stride. She acts normal and plays normal (well for her) and even threw her arms around Noah when he arrived home from school and gave him a kiss…Noah has got the first and only kiss from Yaya I might add. He got two, actually; but who is counting…oh, wait, it’s me. So thanks for all the prayers, please continue to send them. Eric and Eden spent most of the evening together and he even got to read her bedtime books and put her to bed, a huge thing!!! I know he is a happy Daddy! So progress on that front too. Oh and Noah lost another tooth yesterday. So that is our update, we are praying for sleep for all of us, especially Yaya. Here are 3 pictures from today. One from the hospital this morning, one from bath time when we got home and one from later this afternoon. She is swelling much more in her upper lip but she is still looking great and we can see those sweet eyes again. Also, most of the time when Yaya sees a camera pointed at her she “says” her version of the word “cheese.” In the top and bottom picture she is saying cheese…she just can’t move her mouth into a smile yet since the doctor just moved and reattached her mouth muscles. It will come in time. .



  1. How cute that she was ready to run home?!

  2. THERE are those eyes that so distinguish her beautiful face! So glad to see your girl hasn't changed too much after all. In fact, picture #2 is prime YaYa in my opinion (her eyebrows say it all). Poor puffy sweet and probably so sore to her. Love love love this child.

  3. she is just so precious!! love her eyes - they speak volumes!! so glad to read that she is being herself and that Eden is doing well and wanted Daddy time! I so would love to come for a visit and meet your girls - and see Noah again. Someday we will visit Alabama again and you are a number one priority of someone to see. Love reading about your family!

  4. Glad everyone is doing so well and back home! Fantastic news!
