Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I didn’t put baby food in any of Yaya’s food today!!!!

Let it sink in…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…


I gave her pears, bananas and peaches for breakfast and she gobbled it down. Eric fed her ice cream for lunch at McDonald’s (I had nothing to to do with that, I wasn’t even there.) And for dinner I gave her carrots and Mac and Cheese!!! Not huge portions mind you and I gave her a break by letting her eat apple sauce between bites but she did A-MAZING! So now I have to figure out what soft foods I can dice up or mash up to feed her. It actually complicates my life even more but if I never have to wrestle open another baby food container in my life…I will be content. So now I’m trying to figure out what the heck we can feed her! I’m so excited and stressed at the same time! Keep the prayers coming they are blessing the us tremendously!

So here are some totally un-related photos of the girls. One is of the girls in their dresses made by Ella’s mom. Any time they see the dresses they want to wear them. This photo was taken at bedtime when they spied the dresses in the clean laundry basket and had to sleep in them. They did not get to sleep on Daddy’s palate they were just pretend sleeping.


This other photo is of the “togetherness” that the girls seem to have fallen into in the past 3 days…I don’t expect it to last. They wanted to sit with each other in the recliner and eat their dinner together while they watched TV. As you can see from the picture Yaya wanted to feed herself…it was disastrous and Eric had to get involved. But we love that she is trying! They are doing so much more together and it sure is nice and fun to watch.


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