Monday, February 25, 2013

Outta Surgery

Yaya’s surgeries went great. I am a little weirded out to make that a plural but indeed she had 3 today. New tubes, palate repair and tonsils removed…in that order. The tonsils as you know were the surprise.  She recognized us in the hallway and we got to walk up to the room with her. She was on a gurney and she didn’t like that a cotton ball was stuck to the back of her right hand and that they put all her id bracelets back on her arm instead of her foot…well she didn’t want them on period. AND the red glowing O2 sensor was taped around her finger. This is the thing that offends her the most. Once we got settled and got the bracelets back on her leg and moved the O2 sensor to her big toe on her left leg she was much better. However, upon waking an hour and half later…she was still offended by the O2 sensor. She wanted some food and she managed to eat about 1/2 of a container of baby food. You can see that she wants it but it is too weird and painful to negotiate right now. I unloaded our stuff while Eric held her and then he went for food while I held her, then she woke up for the food and was just outdone. She was way overdue for pain meds and the nurse brought her some morphine and in 20 minutes she was sleeping again. We finally got the blood pressure cuff off it was every 30 minutes on her leg for 2 hours. Now I think it is every 4 hours for that. We want her off the morphine ASAP. If the morphine stops then the O2 sensor goes. We are waking her in about an hour to give her an oral pain killer to see if it controls the pain, if so, then we wait till the morphine is out of her system and take the glowing red offensive device off her toe. She is sleeping soundly in her Daddy’s arms. It should prove to be a difficult night. Pray that she some how can sleep through the worst of it and be prepared to eat tomorrow. The sooner she eats, the sooner we get home.


P.S. She hated her gown and wanted her purple shirt. And what you see around her mouth is the purple baby food she tried to eat. Nothing scary. Except what is below……




  1. I pray you have a peaceful night and a good recovery! She's getting so big! I can't believe how she has grown!

  2. Praying for all of you! I remember this time all too clearly. Even the glowing toe and how Kylie hated it too. Praying for super quick recovery. This will be over soon and so many big things waiting for sweet Hope when she's all done!
