Friday, February 21, 2014

Romanian Friend for Noah

Daniels story raeghan copy

Cuddled among all these Romanian orphans is my new babysitter...Raeghan. Serving in a Romanian orphanage this past December, Raeghan brought the love of Christ to these kids. When our small group found out she would be travelling to Romania we partnered with the Bread of Life organization to send shoeboxes of gifts to this orphanage. I asked Raeghan if she would be able to know who got our box and if so, could she take a picture of that child? And I told her, if that child wasn’t sponsored, we’d consider sponsoring them. Noah was thrilled at this opportunity. He picked out all the items for our box, we built a box for a 10-year-old boy. Sadly, Raeghan said that all the boxes were put in a big shipment and it would be impossible to know which child got our box. Bummer. So I included a note with our box to let Bread of Life know that we would consider sponsoring the child who got our box, if they didn’t already have a sponsor. I sent the box and didn’t think of it anymore.

Daniels story meet daniel copy

The end of January brought us the letter above and these three pictures! Isn’t it just like God to give us exactly what we deemed impossible...a photo of a boy, Noah’s age, with our shoebox, who does not have a sponsor. We were floored at the infinite power of God! Noah was thrilled! I had to laminate the pictures and letter so he could hang them on his wall. I called Bread of Life to see about sponsoring Daniel. Debora answered the phone and within about a minute she asked me if my son’s name was Noah. What? Ummm, yes. This dear woman had already linked Noah’s name with Daniel’s praying that we would sponsor him. Then she told me, “the rest of the story.” When she got my note about sponsoring a child she quickly picked three boys she thought would be good choices. Upon arriving to Romania, Debora told her counterpart about the potential sponsorship and offered only two boys names. Her Romanian colleague chose the boy  Debora said she would not have chosen. So Debora asked “Why Daniel?”  The response was this, “Because Daniel doesn’t really believe in all this Christian stuff and he really needs to know that someone out there  really cares about him.” When they gave Daniel our Christmas box they watched him carefully but discretely. Debora told me they could see on his face he was starting to believe. They said the gift had a big impact upon Daniel and they began praying furiously that our family would sponsor him!  I asked if I could send a small gift to him and she responded by telling me that Daniel’s birthday was the day before, Feb. 9th. Meaning, I could send him a larger gift of clothing and some other small things. Noah and I can’t wait to go shopping. The Lord is so good!

Here is Daniel’s letter to Noah…

Dear Noah,
Hello, my name is Daniel and the Bread of Life Orphanage is my new home, for the last few months. I am very happy but in the same time, surprised when I get a present, the gift from you and everything that you have included for me is very nice and I like it very much.

Like you, I also like Legos, and I can’t wait to play with the Legos you sent for me.

I am very happy that we are the same age because we can communicate together and find out interesting things from one another.

I want to thank you very much that you want to help me, to have a better life here.

                    With love,     

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