Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Year Ago Today Looked So Different


Noah captured our first glimpse of our newest little girl…then came the hand off.

passing hope to mamamama daddy right herethe archsideways arch

Yaya and I were talking about this today and she said she was, “Angry, scared and sad.” How many adults are this open and in touch with their feelings?! P.S. She told me this before I showed her photos of the day. Now she giggles when she sees herself in the pictures pitching a fit. She also is quick to point out all the characters… “Mama! Daddy! Noah! Yaya!” Here is where we are a year later…


I had elaborate plans to blog about all the awesome things that have happened. But to be honest I just kinda want the pictures to speak instead of me. I’ll post something profound and touchy feely at a later date. I just got to cuddle her and talk more about the day we met and how things are now and what we are doing the rest of this week…and it was so normal. She snuggled, laughed, babbled and happily fell asleep holding my finger as I sang to her. That’s gold my friends…gold. Blessings dear ones!

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