Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A first in a series of nostalgic posts…and a request.

So it was a year ago today that I was in the peanut aisle of Walmart and my phone rang and it was my husband calling to share the news that we were about to get Travel Approval to go get Yaya and wanted to make sure we could leave on May 8th…just two weeks from that time. You can jump here if you want the whole back story it was a fairly funny blog I think. It is a weird feeling to be roughly 3 weeks away from our one year anniversary with Yaya. Has it really been almost a year?! I recently read a friends blog who likened her daughter’s adoption story to ripples in a pond with respect to how many people her child’s story has touched. She then asked for people to send her comments / emails about how her daughter’s story has impacted people. She did this to honor her daughter and those that have followed their child’s beautiful story.

I’m copying this idea. Yep, straight up gonna steal this idea for my sweet Yaya. The only difference is that I think of Yaya’s story in a little different fashion. I see Yaya’s story as thin golden strands wrapping to and fro around the globe. I have said before if we could see and trace the lines of how many people Yaya’s little life has touched I think we would see golden strands criss-crossing all over the globe, with a heavy concentration here in the United States and it would be dazzling and beautiful to behold. So I ask those of you who are still around and still following our family to please share with us if you have been touched by Yaya’s story and if so…how. I want to collect these thoughts and stories for her to have one day. Perhaps in some fashion it will help her to know how important she is, not just to us, but to many. It can’t take the place of knowing her past, but perhaps it can be something she will be able to draw strength from in those hard times we know will come. I thank you in advance.

Blessings dear ones!

Feel free to email your comments to me or send them in a facebook message, or leave them here.

Here is the Williamson family of four on April  8, 2012          


And here is a photo taken on April 15, 2012 of the one who would make us a family of five.


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