Glory! Hallelujah! Yaya is potty trained! Can I get a, “Woot! Woot!” A game changer this is! Preschool here we come!!!!!! It is sad when bowel control merits a blog post on my part, causes much rejoicing and well is the high point of my day and…. it isn’t even my bowels. I need life. I really, really need a life.
But HOORAY!!! I know many of you have been praying us up in the potty training department since I have had to train two girls over this summer and frankly, I was unsure Yaya was gonna cooperate. But dare I say she has been the easiest of my three to train?! For those of you that don’t know, both girls have to be potty trained to be accepted into preschool, and that is just about any preschool. The reason why preschool is so important to me is because I am homeschooling Noah this year and it would be impossible with the girls here to do that. AND Yaya really needs to go to preschool for several reasons, but I digress. Back to the potty language!
Today was the first day she took herself to the potty. The past week she has been going in the potty only when we take her or suggest that she go. But today was different. Early this morning out of the blue I hear Yaya say, “Mama, pee pee in the potty!” She had wide eyes and then ran off. I chased her yelling words of encouragement and before her little bootie even sat down on the potty, the potty was singing it’s song. (It plays encouraging triumphant music and yells Yay! Do we live in a first world country or what?) She barely made it but she did it! Wash and repeat 2 times with a poo-poo thrown in! At one point I didn’t know she had gone to the potty until I heard her yell, “Mama ! I did it! I need toilet paper!” May I just say how proud I was of her on so many levels. Let’s just table the fact that she was using the potty. The child used WORDS!!!! She spoke out a full sentence to me that I could decipher! Glory to God, to him be ALL the glory!
We took a long car ride to pick up Noah from gymnastics…she got out of the car, climbed the stairs into the house and went straight to the potty!! Are you kidding me! You go girl! Literally!!!
AND she got out of her bath tonight in order to pee pee in the potty! I. COULD. NOT. BE. PROUDER. It’s like she just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Y’all just don’t understand the weight that has been lifted from my shoulders. Yaya had to accomplish this before August 28th or school was a no-go. I’m pretty sure 10 years from now if she reads this post she will die of embarrassment and need therapy. But come on folks, a little levity is good. My mother still tells of my potty training woes and I’m 41. Forgetaboutit.
So thrilled I could shout it from the mountain tops!!!!!!
(No pictures to post. )
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