Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween 2012

Okay so I’m really falling behind on blogging. I will try to catch up starting with Halloween. It was wonderful! But let me back up to a week before Halloween. I don’t know if my memory is faulty or not but I remember as a child having our pumpkins cut, lit, and around the house for at least a week or so before Halloween. I remember them lasting quite a long time. Was everything made better, “in the good ole’ days”. I mean, games like Hungry Hungry Hippos and Trouble were DEFINITELY made better back when I was Noah’s age. Now they are all made of flimsy material and they can’t take a beating. All this to say about 6 days before Halloween I carved this for Eden:



M-I-C…see you real soon…is right. That joker of a pumpkin was rotted and wilted in on itself in less than 48 hours! I was so angry and Eden was so sad! Now fast forward to Oct. 31st! We had hollowed out Noah’s and Yaya’s pumpkins on Sunday evening (just 3 days prior) and Noah’s was rotted. So I was going to just scrap the whole deal, but Noah was so excited about the pattern he picked out. Soooo I got Eden and Noah new pumpkins and at about 3:00 pm, I was gutting those mugs and carving like the wind. Eden was still upset about her Minnie Mouse and refused to pick a pattern. So I asked her if she just wanted her name on it, to which she agreed. Here is what we ended up with. If Yaya’s pumpkin resembles her former self…I will never admit it was intentional…


The morning of Halloween was going well right up until Noah asked me who was going to trick or treat with him. Oh yeah….that…ummmm…..your sisters??? AWWWWW MOM! Come on! Yeahumm sorta dropped the ball on that one. So I picked up the phone to call my friend Sandra whose son is one of Noah’s good friends, Nicholas. Praise be to God, they hadn’t made plans either and were glad to come over to trick or treat at our neighborhood. We agreed to order pizza for dinner and hang out till it was “time". Later that afternoon, I carved more pumpkins as you already know, and Eric decorated the outside of the house while the kids swept played in the leaves from the sidewalk. Then we waited for our guest to arrive.


Sadly the pizza was a total disaster and 2 hours and 45 minutes later we went and got our pizza from the franchise we ordered it from. Eric and Tony got the kids ready while Sandra and I were waiting vigil on our pizza and when we finally arrived home we grabbed a couple slices and head out for the main event! It was a beautiful fall night! The girls looked so cute and the guys looked “cool”. Noah was Hawkeye from the Avengers (Marvel Comics), Eden was Tinkerbell and Yaya was Minnie Mouse.


Yaya was not as impressed with her costume as the rest of the crew and you can forget trying to get the mouse ears on her. Eden was so darn cute that she kept getting extra candy for her cuteness. The boys were on a candy rampage and had a blast. Yaya was very content to just ride in the stroller right up until we were about to quit, then she decided to get in the game. She got to trick or treat at about 5 houses and was very pleased with herself.


Sandra and Tony took the boys on a bit further while Eric and I strapped the girls in the stroller and leisurely headed home. It was a delightful hand in hand walk home with my husband. We arrived at the house to see that some obnoxious “sweet” children had cleared out all our candy. Normally this would have upset me but since I didn’t want all that garbage in my home I was glad to see an empty basket. The boys arrived later and they were howling and hollering as they came in the door. Apparently one of our sweet neighbor ladies saw the boys and had them come over and take all her candy. It filled up their pumpkin buckets to the top. They were so thrilled!! We all dug into the pizza and drinks while the boys sorted the loot! Eden had such a great time with the boys, although I think they may have cheated her out of some of her candy. All in all it was wonderful. We got everyone down to bed at a semi-reasonable hour and I went to sleep with a smile on my lips…a rare thing these days. So grateful for a wonderful celebration! Thanks so much Sandra, Tony and Nicholas for join us!

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