Friday, December 21, 2012

Brusies, Lovies and Poo Poo

First…do you like my title? It makes me giggle. It is however, an accurate description of the content of this blog post. They are not combined in to a singular event so don’t worry. First, Eden somehow slammed herself head first into a door jam (we think that’s what happened). I was finishing some shopping when I got the call from Eric that Eden split her lip and there was blood everywhere and he was trying to assess if an ER visit would be in our future. I arrived home about 7 minutes later and the crisis was “over”. Eden was on Daddy’s lap snuggled down and so was Yaya. They were watching Blues Clues. I went to check out her hip and it was not an ER trip but you know how the mouth can bleed so once it was hard to assess until the bleeding stopped and we cleaned her up. Then I noticed a huge bruise and cut on her forhead right above her left eyebrow. That joker was so swollen up it looked like someone had put a marble (the shooter marble, the big one you know) under her skin. It scared me enough to call the nurse. We got ice on her immediately and it went down quite a bit. She bounced back to life about 30 minutes after the fall and seemed fine but we are watching her over night and gonna wake her every 4 hours to see if she can talk and walk and we will sleep in her room for the next two nights…like the nurse suggested. Better safe than sorry. She is all busted up for Christmas pictures that is for sure… “And her is the Christmas picture that got DHR involved with our family…”

Second, and more exciting, Eden went poo poo on the potty tonight!! Yay! Only a parent really gets the joy of this statement. Parents are in fact some of the only people who can appreciate our children’s poop and describe it in detail from they day our kids are born. Eden was so excited she had to go get Daddy to see the poop and he praised her and rejoiced in the flushing of it all. We are gearing up for potty training over this Christmas break so pray for us please. Here is a picture of our sweet Eden, no pictures of the first poop…sorry.


Third, lovies…


For those of you who have followed our story for any length of time you already know that Yaya doesn’t touch anything soft and fuzzy. She also doesn’t like blankets of any kind and will not sleep under one. Tonight while Yaya, Eden and Daddy were playing together, Yaya asked Eden if she could hold one of Eden’s giraffe lovies. Eden let her hold one, that should be miracle enough right there. Eric called me to their location and as I opened the bedroom door to see Yaya with a lovie I nonchalantly looked over her and tried to engage Eden as if I wasn’t freaking out on the inside. Eric relayed the exchange to me and I calmly backed out of the room and went to go get Yaya’s actual lovie. The pink/white zebra lovie. I walked back in making no sudden movements and placed the lovie in front of her but not on her.  Yaya reached out and grabbed the lovie and handed Eden back the giraffe lovie. Eden started telling Yaya, “I have lots of lovies,” so I left the room again quietly. I returned with two more of the zebra lovies. Yaya was thrilled and she took all of them. I left to make myself a late dinner and Eric walked out later with Yaya in his arms. As he passed by me he quietly said… “She is latched on to these.”  She then laid on Eric for almost an hour with the lovies and when we tried to put her in her pj’s she protested and we asked if she would rather have a blanket. She said yes.  We started with a  fleece one and she was not a fan…obviously. Then we moved to heavy quilt and she liked it. I ran down stairs and put Noah’s old crib bedding comforter in the dryer and when it was good and toasty I offered her that and it was her favorite. She is now sleeping without pj’s in her crib under the two blankets with 3 cashmere lovies!! Is this was 12-21-12 means…not the end of the world but early Christmas miracles? Woot! Woot! Of course tomorrow she will shun it all and or she will freak out later tonight, but for now we are gonna take it and be thankful!


  1. Oh, my! That is HUGE for Yaya and the lovies and blankets. Hooray for progress!
