Monday, February 16, 2015

Can’t Get Enough Science: Bubble Bomb

Just can’t get enough science! Today was the “Bubble Bomb” day at C.C. Purpose: To show the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar combining to give off a gas. For this project we created “time-release” baking soda packets by folding up 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a 5”x 5” paper towel. Then we put water and vinegar into a sandwich baggie and went outside. Our goal was to seal up the time-release packet in the sandwich bag, shake it, and toss it to the ground to watch the bag inflate and then pop open. This was easier than I expected and way more fun than I expected. Bubble Bombs were flying everywhere and exploding all around. In the end, all the experiments worked except Luke’s, whose bag sprung a leak. However, it was interesting to note how long the bag stayed inflated before Patrick smashed it. C’est la vie. A good time was had by all. Let’s here it for science!

Bubble Bomb 2015 pg 1Bubble Bomb 2015 pg 2

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