Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cinderella IS magical…


So this is love…ahhh yes. Cinderella. I just had the distinct joy of watching my daughter, Eden, watch with wonder this magical movie. While “Princess” is very “in” at the Williamson house, Eden hasn’t seen any of the movies.  Perspective and context of these lovely ladies is not in Eden’s body of knowledge…until now. To say that she loved every minute of this movie would be an understatement. Tensing at all the tense moments, laughing at all the funny moments and being indignant at all the unjust moments all registered on my sweet Eden. She talked back to the film several times. One time in particular was when the king and the advisor kept the glass slipper, but Eden didn’t know they would use it to find Cinderella. She yelled at the screen, “They can’t keep that!” She also was very angry and sad when the step-sisters tore up Cinderella’s dress. In order to keep her from coming unglued I asked her what color Cinderella’s dress really is…
“Blue.” Cue the sparkles! As the sparkles started to show up on the screen she asked in a whisper what they were. I told her that good things ALWAYS come from sparkles. Shock and awe at the pumpkin carriage was also fun to watch. Consequently, she wants to do a pumpkin craft tomorrow involving stickers and gems. All in all it was great. When it ended she simply said, “I want to see it again.” We shall my sweet, we shall. As she got her jammies on for bedtime she ran out and asked me to help her because the pair she picked had buttons. After buttoning her up, I drew her attention to the buttons. They are red glitter “sparkle” buttons. Grinning big, she giggled and I told her, “Good things always come from sparkles.” I scooped her up in my arms and twirled her around the kitchen singing and humming, “So This is Love”. We danced into her room to, “Someday My Prince Will Come…” The bedtime story for tonight was a retelling of Cinderella with Eden and Yaya as major players in the story and Noah starring as the Prince. Finally drifting off to sleep she said, “I wish there really was a Cinderella, but there isn’t.” Big sigh. I whispered back, “Oh but there is! And she is at Disney World, her castle is even there!” That brought her straight awake and she informed me that she wanted to go to Disney World tomorrow morning. Oh, how I wish we could…bippity boppity boo!

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