Okay so I know that I am supposed to showcase my son in this post…and I will. However, I am going to brag on myself first, but first some backstory. Noah decided this year to have a Lego party. In lieu of dropping hundreds of dollars on a Pump it Up party or such thing (we already were suckered into that with Eden this year) we kept Noah’s party small and really cool! We let Noah invite 6 friends and then he got to pick out a Lego set that was under $15.00. We then bought that set for each person at the party. Noah chose a 3 in 1 build. It makes and eagle, scorpion and an eagle.
So I figured the boys would arrive and run around outside until everyone showed up. Then they would come inside and build with their new Lego sets. Then we would break for cookie cake and finish up with presents and if there was too much time left over and the weather permitted I would throw them back outside. It was only a 2 hour party so at least it wouldn’t be long and make me want to gouge my eyes out.
I had the idea a while back to make Lego brick candy. I saw it online somewhere (not Pinterest, I’m not on there) and they make silicone molds for just this thing. So I ordered it and had dreams of cool Lego candy. I bought the Wilton’s chocolate melts in 4 colors; red, green, blue and yellow. I was so Martha Stewart in my head. At this point I feel compelled to mention the party was exactly one week after Yaya’s palate surgery. Well I had all the good intentions in the world of making these chocolate wonders way in advance, only that didn’t pan out for me. I instead found myself making then around the clock the first week of Yaya’s recovery. I figured out how many melts the mold would hold and I would melt the chocolate, fill mold, let it set for 3o minutes, pop them out and do it again. Here is what my labor produced…
Then we ordered a normal cookie cake and I decorated it with more homemade chocolate Legos…
HOW. COOL. IS. THAT?! I’m so stinkin’ proud! And the boys went crazy over them! They loved eating the Legos! It was huge hit. All my chocolate therapy paid off big time. Noah was so pleased and he found out he likes white chocolate. (They all were white chocolate flavored.) But enough about me. Sigh. On to the birthday boy! This is how he started his day, on the computer…Mindcraft…shoot me…but he loves it. Nine! How did he get to be 9!!
On to the party. All 6 of his friends showed up, 4 are from his school, one from our church and the other is practically Noah’s brother. It was great group of boys! The party went off exactly as I had planned and Noah had a wonderful time. Everyone thought it was a super cool birthday party and they all seemed to enjoy themselves. Noah got a lot of cool stuff and we are so appreciative of the families who gave him gifts and allowed their sons to celebrate with us. I am so proud of this young man and who God is making him to be. What an honor and gift to call him my son. I! Love! This! Boy!
Love the party idea. Brilliant!!! And that cake did turn out great. I'd brag about that some more :)