Monday, March 4, 2013

Too bad to blog…

Okay friends and family…this week has been the pits. So bad I don’t even want to blog about it. What started off as amazing and incredible quickly turned to horrible and unbearable in 24 hours time. This cold virus/sinus infection Yaya has is taking its toll on the entire family. I swear, had she not had this, we would be sailing right through recovery. But alas, she does have it and it is stinkin’ miserable. She struggled with really high fever for several days. We think the fever is gone. But the “can’t breathe through her newly formed nasal passages” dilemma persists.  Because of this our poor little girl wakes herself up several times in an hour at night then every hour on the hour she is wide awake and angry. We keep pumping the pain meds in her and don’t know if it is helping. We are back to hydrocodone at night to help her sleep but it isn’t really helping, it certainly is no longer making her drowsy. So sleep is elusive as ever and it is wearing Eric and I out. We are trying to sleep in shifts, one person up stairs and the other down, but she wakes so frequently and requires me to be there that it isn’t helping much. If I stay down with her I can’t sleep through the noise she makes trying to breath and the several crying outs she has until she finally wakes totally up.

Then there is the attachment regression…I can’t even speak about this right now. I can only say, things are as bad as they have ever been. I am exhausted from her anger and rejection, as I am the one who has to manage it all the time. Our best episode yet was the one hour scream-a-thon that started at 1:30 a.m. Non.Stop.Screaming. Ahhhhh good times, good times.

Eden is falling apart  as well, everything that doesn’t go her way or anything we ask her to do, reduces her to tears and screaming and resistance. OH and we got a note home today about Noah with some issues in school. Banner day.


  1. Oh sweet Angie. I'm SO sorry. I know Satan just simply doesn't want you to get refreshed this weekend. I'm praying against him right now, that Yaya will recover quickly and that you will have the peace of mind to be able to get the rest and filling up you need!

  2. Oh Angie, I am so so sorry that you all are going through this! I know it is hard as you are living it, but remember that this WILL pass. I am praying right now that she makes HUGE steps in the next few days and that you will come on Friday ready to be refreshed and filled up with the things that God has planned for you this weekend! Hang in there!

  3. Wow, there are just no words! I cannot begin to imagine how all this must be wearing you down! I wish I knew how to help or better yet had a magic wand to make it better! I do have prayers and that is exactly what I'm doing now...praying again and again for you, Eric, Yaya, Eden and Noah! God is able and I am trusting and believing that he will renew your strength! Blessings, sweet friend!
