Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Keep Praying…God IS listening!

Okay so I was blown away the other night when I saw Yaya take a spoon and put it repeatedly in her mouth! So much so that I took a picture of it! Well two pictures actually…


So try to imagine if you will how I felt when I got to take this next picture…


Yes friends and family that is Yaya feeding herself baby food sweet potatoes!!!!!

Okay so I realize there is more on her bib than in her mouth, but Glory Hallelujah, she is putting it in her mouth!!! I just decided I was done with trying to put ground up graham cracker and nilla waffers in her mouth, which she hated anyway. So I got a spoon and the sweet potatoes and put some in her mouth…twice. Then I gave the spoon to Eric, he tried one time and she got angry and grabbed the spoon. We thought…oh well, we tried. But then she was babbling and pointing emphatically to the baby food container. So Eric moved it to her and she dipped the spoon in. I was fully expecting her to fling both the spoon and food across the table or to the floor and through a miracle of the Holy Spirit (and I am not being trite or even kidding here) she put it in her mouth and then swallowed. She then did this like 5 times!!! We were so excited and clapped and hoorah’ed for her. It was so encouraging! Now I don’t expect this to happen again mind you…but it was nice after a long day.

In all seriousness, please, if anyone is still reading along with this blog…keep praying that she will want to continue to eat baby food so that we can move her off the bottle before her surgery Sept. 5th. Baby steps to baby food! Here’s two more pics…


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