Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back to Church

We ventured out to church today…all of us. It was a big day. I was so thankful to be back with my family again. It was wonderful! Hope seemed to do okay but was definitely overstimulated. However, she didn’t show any outward signs that she was melting down. We will see what tonight and tomorrow brings. She LOVED the worship music. This girl is a music girl. She waved her hands and sang along. About three-quarters of the way through she noticed Cathy on the stage (my BFF). Cathy is in the small group of people that can currently build a touch relationship with Hope, meaning we see Cathy weekly so Cathy can touch and hold her now. Some days Hope is keen on that, other days not. She was very excited to see Cathy on stage. We made it through all the scripture readings but when the sermon started she had just finished her bottle and she was done with the sanctuary. Eden made it only a bit longer than Hope and then wanted to go see Daddy. Eden has not been to church in 3 months so she was not happy about being left in Sunday School. So we kept her with us as well. We then played around in the gathering space outside the sanctuary.



We snuck back in for Communion and broke line…thanks everyone for understanding. We were going to bolt right after that before church let out but we kept getting snagged by people. As it would happen, we ended up being almost the last people to leave the church. Hope did great and had a couple funny encounters, well Eric and I thought them funny. But since sharing them would be at the expense of people we love and who love us, we will keep the humor to ourselves. I am praying that she doesn’t wake up tomorrow in shut down mode where she has to sit on me all day, but if that happens we will all manage. It was a great day to be in the house of the Lord! We were blessed so much by the compassion and love from his children that we have the privilege to call our family. I hope we will get to go back next week…but it goes without saying that we are still playing each day as it is dealt and not putting much on our calendars. Hope is adjusting well, yesterday in fact was her 2 month Gotcha Day anniversary. Hard to believe we have had her only 2 months and that she has only been home 6.5 weeks! That little girl has made some serious strides in her little life and we want to protect all that she has gained as much as possible. Keep my sweet Eden in your prayers too, she is also adjusting and making great strides. She is so sensitive and fragile and yet hard as nails, hard to explain and often I feel like as much as Hope is attaching, Eden is, in fact, DE-ttaching. It makes me sad, but I know that God has her in the palm of His hand. Then there is Noah, my sweet, sweet Noah. He is just amazing, but he gets low often too, it is hard on him sometimes with these two high maintenance girls. This is his…do you HAVE to take my picture face. It’s still handsome tho.


1 comment:

  1. It was a good day at church for our Love Manor girls! Ella stayed in the nursery, Hope visited church. Can you believe you have two girls to get ready for church in the morning? Hard to believe ;)
    SO glad that Hope did well this morning!
