Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Praise the Lord for Pears!!

God just keeps the miracle rollin’ today! I got Yaya to eat (I use this term loosely as she droolled it all down the front of her bib) more of the sweet potatoes at lunch time. She acted like she didn’t know what to do with them once in her mouth but she always opened her mouth for me to put the food in. I was at first getting irritated in my head that she wouldn’t swallow the baby food, and then I was like…WAIT A DARN TOOTIN’ MINUTE! She is actually letting me put food in her mouth, who cares if she drools the entire container out of her mouth! And she did.

So I thought we should try a different flavor at dinner to see if she would let us put food in her mouth again. So I grabbed some pears (much more soupy and sweet than sweet potatoes). I gave Eric a spoon and warned him about Queen Drool. I was busy with putting out dinner that a sweet church friend brought to us (God bless Cheryl U.) And I hear Eric say to Yaya, “Oh you are finished? Oh wait, you are literally finished the pears are gone.” I thought, “Well yes but we can just scrape them all off her bib and save them for tomorrow.” I went to look at her as Eric was saying, “She ate the whole thing.” And lo and behold…she literally ate it! Like swallowed it. There were almost no pears on her bib. Eric and I stood there in shock for a minute and then laughed and then I almost cried. Our baby girl ate solids today!! Thank you Holy Spirit for helping her to make this transition! I pray this will only increase! Thank you sweet Jesus for answered prayers!


  1. Wonderful, wonderful news Ya Ya!! God stepped in just in time!

    And I'm laughing that you wanted to scrape them off the bib for tomorrow :)

  2. WHOO-HOO!!! That is so exciting to read! I teared up reading it on Hope's behalf - and her Mama's! That is awesome Angie!
