Thursday, July 5, 2012

It’s My Birthday!

Today is the big 4-0 for me. I don’t feel like I’m 40, not that I’d know what 40 feels like or what it should feel like, or that it “should” feel like anything. It’s a milestone for sure but I don’t know that it feels very milestoney per se.  The 30s were good,  a busy and good decade for sure, and here are some highlights...

  • I birthed two amazing children and adopted another amazing child from China
  • God sent me to Lithuania twice and Kenya three times to be about His work abroad
  • Sold our first home and bought our second home…then moved
  • Helped a widow renovate her home…with 76 of my closest friends and family
  • Became self employed as a sign language interpreter and interpreted some amazing thing.
  • Changed churches twice
  • Sponsored (and continue to sponsor) 5 Compassion International children
  • Became a Compassion Advocate
  • Had another back surgery
  • Served with three different youth pastors mentoring and sharing God’s love with youth (now many of them are getting married and having children of their own!!)
  • Enjoyed 10 more years of falling in love with my husband

I have had a great birthday despite getting very little sleep last night. My dear husband at 5:30 am after Hope had been up for hours with me took her upstairs and let me sleep a bit more…finally. When I got up he had pancake batter and bacon ready to fry for my birthday chocolate chip pancake breakfast. He gave me a beautiful card that made me cry and a kindle gift certificate and then even cleaned up all of breakfast. I took Eden to school (late) and ran an errand to fix Noah’s closet doors. We hung out around the house playing with Noah and Hope and then I went to go pick Eden up from school and drop Noah off at gymnastics. Eric later went to go get Noah and brought home dinner from Logan’s Steakhouse…filet mignon…delicious! I got another card from the kids with cold hard cash in it. My sweet husband is doing something really cool for us over the next several months and this was the beginning of it. The girls went to sleep easily and then we played Wizard 101 and online game with Noah for a little while. What a great day. It was also punctuated with songs left on my voicemail from other friends and loved ones, not to mention all my facebook well wishes. Thank you Lord for this wonderful day! Tomorrow I get the rest of my birthday gift…a weekend with my girlfriends at the lake! Well one night and I may stay another by myself if Hope is doing well. I am blessed indeed. Best HUSBAND ever.


  1. Sounds like you are getting the best gift ever this weekend. Jealous :) Have a wonderful time and enjoy your milestoney weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday!! Hope it's an amazing weekend! What an incredible decade your 30's were - and I bet your 40's will be just such an adventure!
