Sunday, July 15, 2012

Eden Speak

Eden has he own little language and she cracks me up sometimes. Here are some of my favorites…

Verking. “Mommy, help my train is not verking!” (who knew she was Scandinavian)

Mag-a-nets. 3 syllable word. “Mommy can I play with Buhbuh’s mag-a-nets?”

Bumbrella. “Mommy can I have your bumbrella for the rain?”

Brace-a-let. “Look at my pretty brace-a-let?”

Dare and is. “Look Mommy! Look right dare! Is right dare!”


1 comment:

  1. SHE is adorable!! And her spirit just seems to be an "Angie mini-me"! Love her little language :-)
